Therapy for therapists

About my support for therapists

As a member of the Centre for Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy I’m able to offer specific support to other counsellors and therapists. This allows you to deepen your relationship with both your own practice and the impact this may have on your body and wellbeing. Here are some quotes from clients who have benefitted from this service over the years:

As a counsellor who has had several years of therapy, working with Hannah has been quite a revelation. I started attending with the thought of self care, to support myself in work that can take its toll emotionally and and physically. I’ve found that working in this way has allowed material to surface that I have previously not accessed. I’ve noticed long held fixed patterns in my mood, emotions, behaviour and hopes, start to loosen. Much of the work with Hannah seems to happen in a deeply embodied way, often out of awareness. I then notice that something feels different, a fixed belief or expectation of the world, has gently shifted.
— Counsellor client
This way of working feels like it can facilitate change at a deep, core level.
— Therapist client
Hannah has a wonderfully nurturing presence and I always come away feeling deeply nourished and cared for.

The sessions continue to be a great support, for my work, but also for my ongoing journey of self discovery and acceptance.
— Joe, therapist

Let’s explore how it feels
to work together.